Do you need to be replanted?

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In Psalms 1 we read about the person whose delight in is the law of the Lord which is God’s word or the bible. The psalmist tells us in verse 4 this person will be like a tree planted by streams of living water.

The imagery here is of a tree that is initially planted in a dead space or dead area that is not getting any quality nutrition and cannot grow or produce any real fruit. The wise planter then takes the tree and removes it and replants it by streams of living water, thus giving the tree access to the life-giving nutrients it needs. The tree is now able to flourish and produce fruit that can be a blessing to others.

My question for you is do you need replanting? What have you been filling your mind with? Who are the people you are spending the most amount of time with? Are there things in your life that are getting in the way of your creativity, your purpose, your walk with God, your time in the word?

Are there things that are taking away your ability to be productive both in life and for the kingdom of God?

If you can say yes to these things, then it’s time to get replanted. Ask God (the planter) to help you reshape your priorities and replant you by things that are life giving and life producing. If you do, no matter how long you have been away from the living water, you will begin to produce the fruit that God created you to produce.

Clarence Haynes

Clarence Haynes

